The Creation of Prophet Adam: God's Plan for His Deputy on Earth (1)
The Creation of Prophet Adam: The Fall of Iblis and the Gift of Divine Mercy (2)
Prophet Adam and Hawwa in the Garden: The First Test and the Fall of Man (3)
The Children of Prophet Adam: The Story of Qabil, Habil, and Shayth (4)
The Story of Prophet Idris (Enoch): Patience and Wisdom (5)
Prophet Nuḥ: The Ark and the Salvation of the Believers (6)
Prophet Nuh's Ark: The Great Flood and the Legacy of Faith (7)
Prophet Hud: The Prophet Who Warned the Arrogant (8)
Salih: The Prophet of the Thamud and the Miracle of the She-Camel (9)
The Tragic Fate of the Thamud: Prophet Salih and the Camel's Slaughter (10)
Prophet Ibrahim's Discovery: Rejecting Idols and Seeking the True God (11)
Prophet Ibrahim Rejects False Gods: The Path to Prophethood (12)